Rugged Multi-Channel RS-422 Concentrator and Extender

Amphenol High Speed Solutions is pleased to introduce a new multi-channel RS422 data concentrator and extender. This is a stand-alone unit with 13-32VDC power interface to the system. Its 6X bi-directional channels of RS-422 are electrooptically isolated from system interfaces and concentrated onto a single channel of 850nm multi-mode fiber optics at 1Gbps. Two units can be connected for seamless plug and play extension of the RS-422 interfaces. A separate RS-422 interface from the unit gives built-in-test and diagnostics information.
Features & Benefits:
- MIL-DTL-38999 with power and
RS-422 interfaces (all copper) - Rugged and stand-alone unit for plug
and play system solution - Fiber MIL-DTL-38999 for
concentrated RS-422 interfaces onto
850nm milti mode fiber
(unit is easily configured for single
mode if needed)
Rugged Junction Boxes
Ethernet junction boxes for rugged military and other harsh environment applications, featuring a wide range of Amphenol D38999 connectors.