D38999 Space Blind Mate Connector

Introducing Amphenol Aerospace’s Space Blind Mate Connector, part of the D38999+ family of products. Designed specifically for large panels where extra float is required in all axes, or for any application requiring a floating interface. Standing out from traditional blind-mate military style connectors, this design has extra float in the Z-axis for applications where the panel may back off, ensuring the connector doesn’t “back-off” and unmate with the panel. Available with standard D38999 accessory threads, cable banding platforms, or even in a bulkhead-style version.
Features & Benefits:
- Space-grade electroless nickel finish available with outgassing
- Size 25 available, expandable to other shell sizes and connector series
- .040” float axially, 6 degrees angular float in either direction, 5mm compression
- Uses standard D38999 inserts for proven environmental performance
- Custom inserts and shell styles available through Tracer Rapid Prototyping
- Spring force is customizable for any application, standard offering = 70 lbs to full compression