HD38999 High Density Connectors

Product HD38999 High Density Product HD38999 High Density


Nick Lidell
Product Manager
+1 (607) 563-5655


The HD38999 family of connectors has over 30% more contact density than the highest density Mil-Spec 38999 connectors of similar size.  This series of connectors was designed to utilize mil-specified 38999 components with the exception of the insert arrangements.  Utilizing existing mil-qualified 39029 size 23 contacts and standard 38999 insert materials, these connectors are essentially a drop-in replacement for the standard 38999 connector.

Features & Benefits:

This connector design benefits users who need to increase the number of contacts in their application, allowing them to do so without increasing the size of their connector.  This connector also benefits those looking to decrease the overall size of their system by allowing the use of smaller shell sizes without decreasing the number of contacts. Amphenol has qualified this series of connectors to the requirements of MIL-DTL-38999 and also offers this series in Filter, Hermetic and customized versions.

Technical Data

How to Order Guide


HD Insert Arrangements

High Density Shell Sizes (Front of Pin Insert Shown)
(all contacts are size 23)

Increased number of contacts in HD38999 insert pattern compared to Standard 38999contact density of same shell size.

Contacts and Tools

Weight Comparisons (Composite vs. Metal)

Depending on the shell style, shell size and contact count, weight savings can range from 17% to 40% compared to standard aluminum product.

Tri-Start Weight in Ounces (includes contacts)

  Wall Mount Receptacle (00) + Military D38999/20 Jam Nut Receptacle (07) + Military D38999/24 Plug (06) + Military D38999/26
Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite
Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket
9-35 0.7216 0.784 0.3248 0.3777 0.2588 0.3121 1.1472 1.2096 0.4416 0.504 0.3489 0.4413 1.0736 1.136 0.4236 0.4625 0.2606 0.2994
9-98 0.7216 0.7776 0.2496 0.3056 0.1664 0.2224 1.1472 1.2032 0.4416 0.4976 0.3744 0.464 1.0736 1.1296 0.3968 0.4624 0.2991 0.2337
11-35 0.9488 1.08 0.3632 0.496 0.2753 0.4081 1.4304 1.5632 0.5936 0.7264 0.4679 0.6007 1.248 1.3808 0.5312 0.6389 0.345 0.4582
11-98 0.9488 1.062 0.3632 0.4768 0.2753 0.3889 1.4304 1.544 0.5936 0.7072 0.4679 0.5815 1.248 1.3616 0.533 0.6283 0.3468 0.4457
13-8 1.2096 1.3888 0.48 0.6592 0.3696 0.5488 1.9104 2.0896 0.7664 0.9456 0.656 0.8352 1.8048 1.984 0.7936 0.9728 0.5237 0.5952
13-35 1.216 1.432 0.4864 0.7024 0.3762 0.5922 1.9168 2.1328 0.7728 0.9888 0.6136 0.8296 1.8112 2.0272 0.8 0.8472 0.5301 0.6531
13-98 1.216 1.4016 0.4864 0.672 0.3762 0.5618 1.9168 2.1024 0.7728 0.9584 0.6136 0.7992 1.8112 1.9968 0.7978 0.9856 0.5244 0.7157
15-5 1.5312 1.7904 0.6352 0.8944 0.5027 0.7619 2.3792 2.6384 0.9728 1.232 0.7749 1.0341 2.2704 2.5456 0.9632 1.1719 0.645 0.8467
15-18 1.5456 1.8416 0.776 0.9456 0.6432 0.8128 2.3936 2.6896 0.9872 1.2832 0.8544 1.1504 2.2848 2.5808 0.9776 1.2736 0.6594 0.8208
15-35 1.5424 1.8768 0.6464 0.9808 0.5139 0.8483 2.3904 2.7344 0.984 1.328 0.7861 1.1301 2.2816 2.6256 1.2179 1.3184 0.8961 1.0002
17-6 2.1488 2.5904 0.936 1.3776 0.7812 1.2228 2.9152 3.3568 1.2336 1.6752 0.994 1.4356 2.5008 3.1024 1.1408 1.7424 0.816 1.4176
17-26 2.1344 2.56 0.9216 1.3472 0.7668 1.1924 2.9008 3.3264 1.2192 1.6448 0.9796 1.4052 2.4864 2.912 1.1264 1.3343 0.8017 0.8062
17-35 2.136 2.664 0.9232 1.4512 0.7684 1.2964 2.9024 3.4304 1.2208 1.7488 0.9812 1.5092 2.488 3.016 1.128 1.5497 0.8033 1.2144
19-11 2.2592 2.6656 0.9696 1.4528 0.7925 1.2757 3.4352 3.9184 1.472 1.9552 1.2033 1.6865 2.9808 3.464 1.3472 1.8304 0.9632 1.4464
19-32 2.1888 2.7264 0.976 1.5136 0.7989 1.3365 3.4416 3.9792 1.4784 2.016 1.2097 1.7473 2.9872 3.5248 1.3536 1.8912 0.9696 1.5072
19-35 2.192 2.8432 0.9792 1.6304 0.8021 1.4533 3.4448 4.096 1.4816 2.1328 1.2129 1.8641 2.9904 3.6416 1.3568 2.008 0.9728 1.624
21-11 2.7456 3.464 1.3088 2.0272 1.1088 1.8272 3.9712 4.6896 1.8128 2.5312 1.6128 2.3312 3.4448 4.1632 1.7344 2.5312 1.3039 1.871
21-16 2.6784 3.3168 1.2416 1.88 1.0422 1.6806 3.904 4.5424 1.7456 2.384 1.4505 2.0889 3.3776 4.016 1.6672 2.3168 1.2352 1.8736
21-35 2.6672 3.4992 1.2304 2.0624 1.031 1.863 3.8928 4.7248 1.7344 2.5664 1.4393 2.2713 3.3664 4.1984 1.656 2.2309 1.2255 1.8003
21-41 2.6768 3.36 1.24 1.9232 1.0406 1.7238 3.9024 4.5856 1.744 2.4272 1.4489 2.1321 3.376 3.5792 1.6656 1.8688 1.2336 1.4368
23-21 3.0352 3.8624 1.4496 2.2768 1.2279 2.0551 4.2368 5.064 1.944 2.7712 1.6368 2.464 3.792 4.6192 1.9216 2.7488 1.4637 2.2896
23-35 3.024 4.0448 1.4384 2.4592 1.2167 2.2375 4.2256 5.2464 1.9328 2.9536 1.6256 2.6464 3.7808 4.8016 1.9104 2.6087 1.4525 2.1507
23-53 2.8992 3.9072 1.456 2.4816 1.2343 2.2599 4.2432 5.1088 1.9504 2.816 1.6432 2.5088 3.7984 4.664 1.928 2.7936 1.4672 2.2384
25-4 3.4512 4.48 1.7312 2.8816 1.4864 2.1904 4.8048 5.8272 2.2016 3.248 1.9568 2.872 4.2224 5.2496 2.2128 3.256 1.7133 2.4163
25-19 3.5312 4.7264 1.8112 3.0064 1.5664 2.7616 4.8848 6.0816 2.2816 3.4784 2.0368 3.2336 4.3024 5.4992 2.2928 3.4896 1.7933 2.7058
25-20 3.819 4.715 2.0173 3.1125 1.7733 2.8512 5.143 6.038 2.4877 3.5421 2.1872 3.2416 4.435 5.33 2.258 3.0182 1.8288 2.8928
25-35 3.4416 4.6656 1.7216 2.9456 1.4776 2.7016 4.7952 6.0192 2.192 3.416 1.8915 3.1155 4.2128 5.4368 2.2032 3.4272 1.7037 2.9277
25-61 3.4304 4.4848 1.7282 2.7648 1.4841 2.5208 4.784 5.8384 2.1808 3.2352 1.8803 2.9347 4.2016 5.256 2.192 3.2464 1.6912 2.7456


HD38999 Data Sheet
The HD38999 family of connectors has 30% more contact density than the highest density Mil Spec 38999 connectors of its size.
38999+ Catalog
Infinite Options Beyond the Mil-Spec Limits for Military, Aerospace, and Harsh Environments.
Amphenol Advantage IconComplementary External Product Backshells and Caps
Backshells and Caps
Backshells provide strain relief, environmental protection, and EMI/RFI shielding at the termination area of virtually any connector.
Mil-Spec Contacts
A complete line of AS39029 contacts for all major Mil-Spec circular connectors.
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