Ethernet Switches
Ruggedized Gigabit Ethernet Switches for Mission-Critical Connections
Amphenol Aerospace’s extensive line of high-speed, ruggedized ethernet switches is built to guarantee mission-critical connections between computer systems and other devices and ensure that sensitive information remains safe and essential networks remain online, even when operating in the harshest environments.

Robust Ethernet Switch Solutions with Unmatched Versatility
Our rapidly expanding line of gigabit Ethernet Switches comes in multiple form factors ‒ 3U and 6U VPX with up to 156 ports, 32-port Ethernet 10G Switches, all the way up to a rugged liquid-cooled 432-port mega switch box option. These options are available with various MIL-DTL-38999 connector and contact configurations, copper or high-speed fiber optic ports, and can support speeds up to 50Gbps per port.
Amphenol Ethernet Switches feature a hardened construction that ensures resiliency in military and aerospace applications. Channel options vary from 4 to several hundred, ensuring adaptability. Each Amphenol hardened switch houses an integrated high-speed processor that enables fast, low-latency performance in mission systems. For a solution that thrives in harsh conditions, our high-speed Ethernet switches are the preferred choice.
What is an Ethernet Switch?
An Ethernet switch is a hardware device that functions as a central point for connecting multiple devices within a local area network (LAN). Its primary purpose is to forward data frames (packets of network data) between devices on the same network.
For military and aerospace applications, Ethernet switches act as a hardened mediator for connections and communications between high-performance military computers and other systems and devices on the network that are critical to achieving operational success.
Ruggedized Ethernet Switches must be designed with the latest high-speed technology to maintain network integrity and ensure military and aerospace devices can operate efficiently and in real time. Their ruggedization ensures endurance and excellent performance in harsh environment applications, including:
Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Ruggedized Ethernet Switches are essential in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as ground and sea-based unmanned systems to facilitate data transmission between the remote operator and the unmanned platform.
Amphenol ruggedized Ethernet Switches offer unmanned systems the ability to withstand harsh environments and ensure reliable communication in real-time, as well as offer protection from physical stresses and electromagnetic interference, and provide advanced security features. They are essential for the integrity of unmanned vehicle networks.
Ethernet switches are the backbone of data connectivity in C5ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) functions, facilitating the flow of critical information between various components of the network. They are vital for ensuring dependable network connectivity.
For C5ISR applications such as mobile networks, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, and more, Amphenol Ethernet Switches are a key component for quickly and securely processing and transmitting data from critical equipment such as computers, cameras, sensors, and monitoring devices.
Military Aircraft
In military aircraft systems, ruggedized Ethernet switches are crucial components. These switches are purpose-built to withstand severe physical stress and function reliably in extreme conditions, ensuring consistent and secure data connectivity.
Designed to mitigate electromagnetic interference and incorporate advanced security features, Amphenol ruggedized Ethernet switches are indispensable for maintaining the integrity of military aircraft systems and communication networks. Their adaptability, energy efficiency, and remote management capabilities enable them to extend operational longevity in the air.
Satellite Communications
Ruggedized Ethernet switches are used throughout satellite networks for managing data transmission, reception, and secure communications at satellite ground stations.
Amphenol Ethernet Switches are designed for low-latency connections to ensure there are no communication disruptions with satellite hardware in space and communication recipients on Earth. Additionally, their redundancy and fail-safe mechanisms are instrumental in ensuring uninterrupted mission-critical operations, thereby enhancing the overall performance and reliability of satellite communication systems.
Ground Vehicle Systems
Ruggedized Ethernet switches are instrumental in military ground vehicle systems for providing robust and dependable network connectivity.
Amphenol’s line of ruggedized Ethernet Switches is designed to withstand the challenging and demanding conditions that ground vehicles operate in while providing exceptional performance where it matters most. Effective communication within military vehicle networks is crucial for command and control, real-time data exchange, and situational awareness. Our ruggedized switches provide reliable and uninterrupted connectivity, reducing the risk of signal loss, latency, or network failures, which could mean the difference between success and failure in the field.