Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors

Product MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Product MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV


Amphenol Aerospace
Tech Support
Brian Antalek
Product Manager
+1 (607) 563-5318


Amphenol® Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications. Meeting or exceeding MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements, Amphenol's Tri-Start connector is available in aluminum, stainless steel or composite with several finish options.

Consult Amphenol Aerospace about BACC63, EN3645, and other industry specification order information.

Features & Benefits:

  • Aluminum, Stainless Steel, and Composite shells
  • EMI Shielding: solid metal-to-metal coupling, grounding fingers provide superior EMI shielding
  • 100% scoop-proof connector minimizes potential contact damage - Improved interfacial seal design
  • Stainless steel or cadmium over nickel plating withstand a 500-hour salt spray exposure
  • Operates under severe high-temperature vibration, through 392 °F (200 °C)
  • Firewall Capability
  • Unique, self-locking, quick coupling connector eliminates lockwiring
  • Stainless Steel qualified to BACC63DB and BACC63DC specifications
Connector Options

Custom Designs

How to Order - Military

How to Order - Commercial


Insert Chart

PCB Layouts

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.


*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

*All dimensions for reference only. For availability of other arrangements, consult Amphenol Aerospace.

Insert Arrangements

Contact Information

Alternate Keying Information

Test Data

Amphenol® Tri-Start connectors provide EMI/EMP shielding capability which exceeds MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements.

The TV and CTV Series III connector with standard solid metal-to-metal coupling, EMI grounding fin­gers and conductive finishes have proven to be the ultimate in EMI/EMP shielding effectiveness. The charts illustrate shielding effectiveness data which is typical of Tri-Start connectors tested with the nickel finish (Class F-metal, Class M-composite) over a wide frequency range.

The vibration capability of the Tri-Start Series is shown in the chart below. This illustrates the most severe vibration envelope of any qualified connec­tor available today.

These capabilities along with a +200°C, -65°C temperature rating and superior moisture sealing protection pro­vide the user with a connector that can withstand the most rigorous application.


Tri-Start, Series III Typical Shielding Effectiveness Test Data
EMI/EMP Shielding Effectiveness dB Testing

Triaxial Method


Stirring Method


Test data beyond 2GHz is subject to equipment variation.


Tri-Start Vibration Criteria

* Dependant on shell finish

Weight Comparisons (Composite vs. Metal)

Depending on the shell style, shell size and contact count, weight savings can range from 17% to 40% compared to standard aluminum product.

Tri-Start Weight in Ounces (includes contacts)

  Wall Mount Receptacle (00) + Military D38999/20 Jam Nut Receptacle (07) + Military D38999/24 Plug (06) + Military D38999/26
Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite Stainless Steel Aluminum Composite
Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket
9-35 0.7216 0.784 0.3248 0.3777 0.2588 0.3121 1.1472 1.2096 0.4416 0.504 0.3489 0.4413 1.0736 1.136 0.4236 0.4625 0.2606 0.2994
9-98 0.7216 0.7776 0.2496 0.3056 0.1664 0.2224 1.1472 1.2032 0.4416 0.4976 0.3744 0.464 1.0736 1.1296 0.3968 0.4624 0.2991 0.2337
11-35 0.9488 1.08 0.3632 0.496 0.2753 0.4081 1.4304 1.5632 0.5936 0.7264 0.4679 0.6007 1.248 1.3808 0.5312 0.6389 0.345 0.4582
11-98 0.9488 1.062 0.3632 0.4768 0.2753 0.3889 1.4304 1.544 0.5936 0.7072 0.4679 0.5815 1.248 1.3616 0.533 0.6283 0.3468 0.4457
13-8 1.2096 1.3888 0.48 0.6592 0.3696 0.5488 1.9104 2.0896 0.7664 0.9456 0.656 0.8352 1.8048 1.984 0.7936 0.9728 0.5237 0.5952
13-35 1.216 1.432 0.4864 0.7024 0.3762 0.5922 1.9168 2.1328 0.7728 0.9888 0.6136 0.8296 1.8112 2.0272 0.8 0.8472 0.5301 0.6531
13-98 1.216 1.4016 0.4864 0.672 0.3762 0.5618 1.9168 2.1024 0.7728 0.9584 0.6136 0.7992 1.8112 1.9968 0.7978 0.9856 0.5244 0.7157
15-5 1.5312 1.7904 0.6352 0.8944 0.5027 0.7619 2.3792 2.6384 0.9728 1.232 0.7749 1.0341 2.2704 2.5456 0.9632 1.1719 0.645 0.8467
15-18 1.5456 1.8416 0.776 0.9456 0.6432 0.8128 2.3936 2.6896 0.9872 1.2832 0.8544 1.1504 2.2848 2.5808 0.9776 1.2736 0.6594 0.8208
15-35 1.5424 1.8768 0.6464 0.9808 0.5139 0.8483 2.3904 2.7344 0.984 1.328 0.7861 1.1301 2.2816 2.6256 1.2179 1.3184 0.8961 1.0002
17-6 2.1488 2.5904 0.936 1.3776 0.7812 1.2228 2.9152 3.3568 1.2336 1.6752 0.994 1.4356 2.5008 3.1024 1.1408 1.7424 0.816 1.4176
17-26 2.1344 2.56 0.9216 1.3472 0.7668 1.1924 2.9008 3.3264 1.2192 1.6448 0.9796 1.4052 2.4864 2.912 1.1264 1.3343 0.8017 0.8062
17-35 2.136 2.664 0.9232 1.4512 0.7684 1.2964 2.9024 3.4304 1.2208 1.7488 0.9812 1.5092 2.488 3.016 1.128 1.5497 0.8033 1.2144
19-11 2.2592 2.6656 0.9696 1.4528 0.7925 1.2757 3.4352 3.9184 1.472 1.9552 1.2033 1.6865 2.9808 3.464 1.3472 1.8304 0.9632 1.4464
19-32 2.1888 2.7264 0.976 1.5136 0.7989 1.3365 3.4416 3.9792 1.4784 2.016 1.2097 1.7473 2.9872 3.5248 1.3536 1.8912 0.9696 1.5072
19-35 2.192 2.8432 0.9792 1.6304 0.8021 1.4533 3.4448 4.096 1.4816 2.1328 1.2129 1.8641 2.9904 3.6416 1.3568 2.008 0.9728 1.624
21-11 2.7456 3.464 1.3088 2.0272 1.1088 1.8272 3.9712 4.6896 1.8128 2.5312 1.6128 2.3312 3.4448 4.1632 1.7344 2.5312 1.3039 1.871
21-16 2.6784 3.3168 1.2416 1.88 1.0422 1.6806 3.904 4.5424 1.7456 2.384 1.4505 2.0889 3.3776 4.016 1.6672 2.3168 1.2352 1.8736
21-35 2.6672 3.4992 1.2304 2.0624 1.031 1.863 3.8928 4.7248 1.7344 2.5664 1.4393 2.2713 3.3664 4.1984 1.656 2.2309 1.2255 1.8003
21-41 2.6768 3.36 1.24 1.9232 1.0406 1.7238 3.9024 4.5856 1.744 2.4272 1.4489 2.1321 3.376 3.5792 1.6656 1.8688 1.2336 1.4368
23-21 3.0352 3.8624 1.4496 2.2768 1.2279 2.0551 4.2368 5.064 1.944 2.7712 1.6368 2.464 3.792 4.6192 1.9216 2.7488 1.4637 2.2896
23-35 3.024 4.0448 1.4384 2.4592 1.2167 2.2375 4.2256 5.2464 1.9328 2.9536 1.6256 2.6464 3.7808 4.8016 1.9104 2.6087 1.4525 2.1507
23-53 2.8992 3.9072 1.456 2.4816 1.2343 2.2599 4.2432 5.1088 1.9504 2.816 1.6432 2.5088 3.7984 4.664 1.928 2.7936 1.4672 2.2384
25-4 3.4512 4.48 1.7312 2.8816 1.4864 2.1904 4.8048 5.8272 2.2016 3.248 1.9568 2.872 4.2224 5.2496 2.2128 3.256 1.7133 2.4163
25-19 3.5312 4.7264 1.8112 3.0064 1.5664 2.7616 4.8848 6.0816 2.2816 3.4784 2.0368 3.2336 4.3024 5.4992 2.2928 3.4896 1.7933 2.7058
25-20 3.819 4.715 2.0173 3.1125 1.7733 2.8512 5.143 6.038 2.4877 3.5421 2.1872 3.2416 4.435 5.33 2.258 3.0182 1.8288 2.8928
25-35 3.4416 4.6656 1.7216 2.9456 1.4776 2.7016 4.7952 6.0192 2.192 3.416 1.8915 3.1155 4.2128 5.4368 2.2032 3.4272 1.7037 2.9277
25-61 3.4304 4.4848 1.7282 2.7648 1.4841 2.5208 4.784 5.8384 2.1808 3.2352 1.8803 2.9347 4.2016 5.256 2.192 3.2464 1.6912 2.7456


Service Ratings/Finishing Data


38999 Application Tools

38999 Assembly Instructions

38999 Catalog
Contains information on 38999 Series I, II, and III, as well as SJT, Aquacon, and Accessories.
38999+ Catalog
Infinite Options Beyond the Mil-Spec Limits for Military, Aerospace, and Harsh Environments.
High Power 38999 Data Sheet
The High Power 38999 connector series incorporates two key technologies, RadSok and Temper-Grip High Current contacts, paired with the proven performance of the MIL-DTL-38999 connector series.
HD38999 Data Sheet
The HD38999 family of connectors has 30% more contact density than the highest density Mil Spec 38999 connectors of its size.
38999 with PCB Tails Data Sheet
38999 Series III connectors are ideal for printed circuit board applications, either with rigid attachment or with flex print assembly attachment.
Dualok Data Sheet
Dualok is an enhanced anti-decoupling mechanism designed to perform under severe vibration environments – far exceeding the performance of MIL-DTL-38999 Series III plugs.
AP-93 Plating Data Sheet
Durable REACH/RoHS compliant plating for aluminum connectors, which outperforms Cadmium and exceeds 1000 hour salt spray requirements.
P3D - 3D Printed Inserts and Rapid Prototyping
Utilizing groundbreaking in-house capability and industry-leading partners, Amphenol can design and manufacture a custom insert assembly in days, not weeks.
Video Amphenol 38999 Series III Connectors: The Gold Standard
Amphenol 38999 Series III Connectors: The Gold Standard
Mil-Spec Contacts
A complete line of AS39029 contacts for all major Mil-Spec circular connectors.
Amphenol Advantage IconComplementary External Product Backshells and Caps
Backshells and Caps
Backshells provide strain relief, environmental protection, and EMI/RFI shielding at the termination area of virtually any connector.
38999 Connector Savers
Protect connectors subjected to repeated mating cycles and prevent costly repairs associated with the replacement of connectors and cables.
38999 Connectors with Power Contacts
Amphenol has increased its power options for D38999, and a contact system for every application. Featuring Temper-Grip, RADSOK®, HCP and Standard Power contacts.
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